PhD position, Math Dept. Univ. Complutense

Os informamos de la existencia de una beca predoctoral para realizar la tesis en el Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La beca está asociada al Proyecto MTM2014-54240-P titulado “Las Matemáticas del Entrelazamiento Cuántico”. Previsiblemente el punto de arranque de la tesis será el estudio de problemas relacionados con el estudio…

PhD position, Quantum Atom Optics group, UAB

The Quantum Atom Optics group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona announces the opening of a 4 years PhD position associated to the research project FIS2014-57460-P: “Quantum transport in ring potentials: from single atoms to interacting degenerate gases” founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). The PhD position call is open from…

Two PhD positions, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid

The group working in the area of quantum optics in nanostructures at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid is looking for two graduate students for doing a PhD. The selected candidates will be  supported by 2 FPI 4-years contracts associated to the MINECO’s project “Quantum Optics in Nanostructured Semiconductors”. There are possibilities for performing either an…

News channels, submissions & policy

In coordination with the specialized group on Quantum Information from the RSEF, this network provides ample coverage of news and announcements for the community through the following channels: A mailing list, which is open to the whole community and is not moderated. A dedicated news page with relevant and detailed announcements, which is what you…

[Closed] PhD position Quantum Cryptography (U. Vigo)

[Offer closed] Prof. Marcos Curty is looking for a Ph.D. student in the area of quantum cryptography to work at Vigo University (Spain). The aim of the PhD project is to develop new high-rate quantum key distribution protocols and explore their robustness against side-channel attacks. Requirements: A Master’s degree in physics, mathematics, or engineering Candidates…