Quantum Information School and Conference 2016

Dear all, we are pleased to announce the first RICE School New trends in Quantum Information (11-12 April 2016) and the conference Quantum Information in Spain ICE-3 (13-15 April 2016), both of which will take place at IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Mallorca (Spain) This conference is part of a series of itinerant events aiming to be a reference for the…

Open PhD position in Quantum Cryptography

The group of Optical Communications at the University of Vigo (Spain) is looking for a PhD student in the area of quantum cryptography. The aim of the PhD project is to develop new high-rate quantum key distribution protocols and explore their robustness against side-channel attacks. Requirements: A Master’s degree in physics, mathematics, or engineering Candidates…

Un Lego cuántico y relativista

por Carlos Sabín, IFF-CSIC ¿Qué falta por hacer en el campo de la física teórica? Hace ya un siglo que el ser humano fue capaz de alcanzar dos grandes cimas de pensamiento: por un lado, la teoría de la relatividad especial y general; por otro, la mecánica cuántica. Por separado, así como combinadas en la…

Interview: Verónica Fernández Mármol (CSIC)

Verónica Fernández Mármol is a young researcher leading a group in experimental Quantum Key Distribution at the Institute of Physical and Information Technologies. Veronica is a member of the Spanish Network in Quantum Information (RICE) and in this interview, she talks about her career paths, the goals of her research and future prospects. After finishing…

New “Articles” section

In a modest effort to popularize the research done in this network, as well as to make the members of the network better known to the general public, we are opening a modest section called “Articles”. This section is devoted to outreach texts, including descriptions of research topics, brief press releases of key results, and…

Interview: Antonio Acín (ICFO)

Quantum Mechanics is the nightmare of science communicators. The apparent obscurity of its rules and the unintuitive nature of many of its results often lead to articles where the words “spooky”, “multiverse” or “conscience” substitute for simpler, less mystical explanations that emphasize the utilitarian aspects of this theory. Antonio Acín, leader of a big research…

Postdoc position Ankara – ICFO

There is an opening for a two-year postdoctoral position in quantum information theory. The successful candidate will work in the interface of quantum nonlocality and the axiomatization of quantum mechanics with Profs. Miguel Navascués at Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey) and Antonio Acín at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) (Barcelona, Spain). Ideally, a year should…

PhD position, Math Dept. Univ. Complutense

Os informamos de la existencia de una beca predoctoral para realizar la tesis en el Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La beca está asociada al Proyecto MTM2014-54240-P titulado “Las Matemáticas del Entrelazamiento Cuántico”. Previsiblemente el punto de arranque de la tesis será el estudio de problemas relacionados con el estudio…